Earlier as Chairman of the Board of FNABA and member of Board of EBAN, I participated in the “12th Winter University Early Stage Investors and Business Angels Association 4th National Congress” held in Moscow.
My presentation focused on the theme “The non-financial motivations CEOs to convert into Angel Impact Investors “.
As EBAN’s board member it is my pleasure to contribute to the reflection on Impact Investment focusing on non-financial motivations to convert a CEO into a BA.
In times of economic and environmental crisis, CEOs must think ahead to solve the problems that their own companies face (random customer behaviour, reduced profit margins, increased taxes, etc…) but also the huge sustainability problems of the planet. Will we fit on the planet?
As a matter of fact, soon the world population will get to nine billion and if we don´t invest in sustainable solutions, the forecast indicates the need for three planets. New opportunities arise from several business areas as for example: food security, biomedicines or energy technology.
Thirteen years ago, I created the first Portuguese BAN, and helped the establishment of another twelve, I personally became a BA with several investments, I assumed responsibility as EBAN and WBAA’s board member and therefore I had the opportunity to share experiences with dozens of other BAs and be aware of the motivations to become a BA which go far beyond profit.(…)
You can read my intervention (.pdf file – 0,14MB) and also the presentation “The non-financial motivations to convert CEOs into Angel Impact Investors” (.pdf file – 2MB).