“Microfinance, Innovation and Sustainability”
This Award will aim to increase the understanding of the importance of microfinance to the public; to encourage European microfinance practitioners to share good and transferable practices in the field of microfinance, innovation and sustainability and to promote and spread those good practices to other microfinance agencies in Europe.
Microfinance Good Practices “Europe Award” by Giordano Dell’Amore Foundation and European Microfinance Network is open to any European institution or organization that have been involved in the delivery of microfinance and related services in the European Union members, candidates and EFTA/EEA States, for at least 12 months from the date of application.
The single Award winner will receive 50.000,00 euro. The funds must be reinvested for the
realization of new projects or towards core costs of the existing services.
The travel and lodging expenses for two nights of two staff members of the five agencies
shortlisted will be covered to participate at the Conference and the Award Ceremony.
In addition the five shortlisted organizations’ experiences will be profiled in a publication distributed during the Conference.
Application Procedure
The Giordano Dell’Amore Foundation Secretariat with the European Microfinance Network will
carry out a preliminary examination of the applicants to verify the formal compliance to the
The Award committee, made up of selected experts in the field, shall select a shortlist of five
applications. The candidates short-listed will be announced on the Giordano Dell’Amore and EMN websites on March 31st, 2009.
The winner will be chosen by the Award Committee with the assistance of a leading expert in
microfinance and announced during the International Conference scheduled for the first semester of 2009.
For further information, please refer to the Competition Announcement at: