Ainda sobre a Conferência Creative Learning…

Partilho convosco a nota de agradecimento que recebi enquanto Moderador da Mesa Redonda sobre Empreendedorismo na Conferência Creative Learning, que se realizou na semana passada no Centro de Congressos de Lisboa.

Através do link indicado, poderá assistir às várias sessões desta Conferência, em português e inglês, caso não tenha participado ou queira rever alguma sessão.

Está igualmente a ser compilado um Conference Book de cada um dos intervenientes deste excelente evento de disseminação e partilha de conhecimento.

Dear Speakers, Moderators and Rapporteurs,

Creative Learning Innovation Marketplace occurred in an excellent environment of sharing point of views and discussion that’s why the Conference Executive Direction can assume that we were beyond the purpose.  The wider feedback on our achievements is mostly due to your expertise, efforts and direct participation: your commitment to the conference is reported on video and shall contribute to conference proceedings.

On Creative Learning site sessions’ video record are already available both in Portuguese and English version.

We remind all speakers that the observation and rapporteurs’ team worked throw Conference for gathering information to produce the Conference Book; this will also accommodate a single peace of text from each of you (eg. Abstract or maximum 2000 characters). Please send it to us until 26th October, if possible.

For you all our greetings and gratitude, wishing to accomplish the significant task of reporting your contributions and disseminate them not only in Portugal but also in Europe.

Best regards,

Conference Executive Direction



Licenciado e Mestre em Gestão de Empresas. Presidente da Gesbanha, S.A., especialista em capital de risco e empreendedorismo, investidor particular ("business angels") e Presidente da FNABA (Federação Nacional de Associações de Business Angels). Director da EBAN e da WBAA

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