A Universidade de Inverno da EBAN realiza-se na Riviera Francesa, em Sophia Antipolis nos dias 17 e 18 de Novembro. Estarei presente, juntamente com os meus amigos Paulo Andrez e Luís Galveias.
“Business angel network managers, serial entrepreneurs/angel investors, early stage and late stage venture capital funds will gather on November 18 and 19 in Sophia Antipolis, Europe’s and France’s own “Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Investment Valley”, to not only take stock of early stage and angel investing around the world, but to push the boundaries of early stage investing to create a New Asset Class of Next Generation Innovation and Investment.
Christian Estrosi, Mayor of Nice will give the keynote speech on Thursday 18th November at 18:30 during the session organized jointly by EBAN and the International Competitiveness Clusters.
This Global Forum is being organized by the world’s leading early stage investment trade and lobbying organization, the European Business Angel Network (EBAN) in the context of its annual Winter University, in conjunction with Sophia Business Angels who won the “Triple Crown” at the EBAN awards this last April in Istanbul for best Angel Group of Europe, best Early Stage Investment Fund of Europe, and Best Private Angel Investor of Europe.”
Saiba mais em http://winteruniversity2010.eban.org/