Este é o título do artigo que encontrei no “Developmement Blog” do CIPE- Center for International Private Enterprise. Este artigo dá-nos conta de uma recente investigação conduzida pelo CWDI- Corporate Women Directors International, sobre a representação feminina nos Boards de empresas por todo o mundo. A Noruega- não é de espantar- é o país com mais representação feminina nos Boards das suas empresas. Por cá, Segundo este estudo, temos apenas uma representação de 30%…
“In corporate governance, much attention is often devoted to ensuring that boards are truly representative of their shareholders. Of course, having independent directors and transparent voting procedures is important. Securing the right of women to have a say in how companies are governed is equally important, yet often overlooked.
According to the research by Corporate Women Directors International (CWDI) – women representation on the boards of companies around the world remains uneven. While a large number of companies include women on their boards in some of the major OECD economies (Norway – 100 percent of companies surveyed by CWDI have women on boards, United States – 87 percent, Germany 82 percent, UK – 75 percent) many other countries lag far behind. Only 33 percent of surveyed companies in Russia, 30 percent in Portugal and Italy, 27 percent in India, and 16 percent in Japan have women on their boards.”
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