Convido-os a visitarem e participarem no Ideablob ( ). Trata-se de uma comunidade onde se reúnem empreendedores, gestores, empresários ou simplesmente estudantes, para apresentarem e discutirem as suas ideias ou projectos inovadores.
Deixo-vos aqui algumas ideias, que os participantes "defenderam" no site:
Sleepy Dreamer Soap: Cleansing the World of Poverty
Many impoverished areas simply do not have the means to educate themselves. Sleepy Dreamer Soap hopes to end that by creating educational opportunities for students worldwide. By selling soap and collecting donations we hope to raise money to build schools in these communities.
A Designated Driving Service for College Students
Chip’s Whip is a designating driving service whose ultimate goal is to eliminate drinking and driving on college campuses. Although, there are regularly available transportation services provided, most are unable to take students to their exact destination during weekends and other social outings.