We all agree that innovation is the only way out of the current mess that both mature and not-so-mature consumer societies find themselves in. We’re talking basically anything that will get consumers spending again, and preferably the kind of spending that involves sustainable goods, services and experiences. More thoughts on innovation:
- Innovation is not necessarily about people in white coats puttering about in R&D labs. In an experience economy (which we’re still in, recession or not), marketing innovation is equally important, and often trumps technical innovation.
- Furthermore, as consumers’ wants are sometimes frilly, new products and services can be, too. Really, innovation doesn’t have to be so earnest all the time! Have fun with it, too!
- Thirdly, doing or starting something new doesn’t have to cost the world. Many of the innovations featured in this briefing thrive on nimbleness and creativity, not huge budgets.
By now, virtually everyone has chimed in on how innovation is the only way out of the recession. So instead of adding more theory, let’s have a look at actual 50+ innovations from recession-defying entrepreneurs and brands around the world:
Click here to see the 50+ new business ideas