Mais um artigo sobre se o empreendedorismo pode ser aprendido ou se é uma característica inata.
Neste artigo, Alex Lawrence também divide os empreendedores em diferentes níveis: Small Business Entrepreneur (SBE), Mainstream Entrepreneur (ME), Growth Entrepreneur (GE) e Global Entrepreneur (GLE).
This is an age old debate. I realize a lot of people much smarter than I have waxed poetic about it already. In fact, some really great studies by legitimate organizations have been conducted using millions of dollars in research. I’m here to offer my observation in a very non-scientific manner, simply basing it off of what I’ve done and what I’ve seen. So, with that, can entrepreneurship be learned?
Yes and no.
Convido-o a ler o artigo “Can Entrepreneurship Be Learned?” de Alex Lawrence, publicado em