Banks not lending? Business Angels are!

Alguns conselhos sobre como seduzir um Business Angel a investir no seu projecto:


« If banks aren’t lending business angels are but the question is how do you get this type of funding?

Risk is a word that flashes into the mind of every financier picking up a new financial proposal. The more self-sufficient a new company is the higher the shares will be valued and the more confident a funder will be and in turn the more leverage you are going to have in a valuation negotiation with an Angel or Private Equity investor.

In the early days entrepreneurs should find ways to finance their own growth: working without salary, moonlighting, seeking grants, running lean operations and focusing on an aspect of the business that can generate high value revenue.

This will always increase the equity value and put you, the entrepreneur, in a strong position. If you’re making a lot of money don’t run a life style business plough the funds back in.

The economic situation has produced not just a change in attitudes to risk but a change in attitudes to financial returns. Angels are looking for companies that can get to break even on the angel investment itself. They are willing to be more patient. Prior to this recession, Angels invested with the idea that they would finance the company at an early stage, then venture capitalists would step in, at the expansion stage, with a large injection of cash that would take the company to public quotation. Now, Business Angels are prepared to look at a three year stint and sale-back to the owner of their shares. During this time they expect their investment and advice to be building value in the company.»


Artigo completo em Capital Brokers Blog, 13/11/09

Licenciado e Mestre em Gestão de Empresas. Presidente da Gesbanha, S.A., especialista em capital de risco e empreendedorismo, investidor particular ("business angels") e Presidente da FNABA (Federação Nacional de Associações de Business Angels). Director da EBAN e da WBAA

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