Tenho mencionado aqui no blog a nova oportunidade que se coloca aos Business Angels Portugueses de se candidatarem ao Programa COMPETE para a criação de novos Fundos de Co-Investimento com a parceria do Estado Português.
Deixo o exemplo irlandês de um grupo de Business Angels que criou um novo fundo de 6 milhões de euros para apoiar 20 novas empresas em fase early stage:
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« The Halo Business Angels Network (HBAN), a new all-island initiative to link early stage entrepreneurs looking for funding with potential angel investors, has today been launched, with ambitious plans to increase the level of funding for new and growing businesses in Ireland. |
Led by InterTradeIreland and Enterprise Ireland, HBAN plans to act as "the angel network with a VC approach" by offering guidance to businesses seeking access to expansion funds and to investors looking for pre-screened opportunities. It will also work in partnership with existing angel networks.
HBAN has plans to generate almost €6 million in new angel investment in its first two years of operation and will create 10 new angel investment syndicates. The new investment raised will be used to back up to 20 early stage enterprises. HBAN is calling on angel investors and investment syndicates to come forward, both to support small businesses and the wider economy.»