Launching a company that fits to a seamless world supposes the existence of new management models by which the Entrepreneurs will benefit from a Basic Principle: their Freedom!
However, how to enable Entrepreneurs to have more Freedom, so that they’ll keep creating and taking initiative, if they’re always falling into the Organizational Chaos?
25 years of experience connecting to businessmen, successful organizations and to the Entrepreneur Ecosystem, at a national and international level, leads us to create a service totally directed to the new national Entrepreneurs, that are lauching today the tomorrow’s companies.
Based on our acquired knowledge, in high competition and innovative environments, our staff possesses the suitable management skills to provide the new Entrepreneurs working methodologies that will accelerate not only their technical capabilities, but also their Passions and Initiatives.
The success-based companies from the 21st Century will strongly rely on Knowledge as a result of strong innovation in terms of products and technologies development; yet they lack in Management innovation.
Motivating, Organizing, Planning and Evaluating the performance of a 21st Century Organization requires, thus, more then the usual efficiency Management of the operative model or business model, so as to focus in the process reinvention and management practices, which release the Passion and the Creativity, not only from the leader, but mainly from all workers, whom feel increasingly stuck in a system bureaucracy from Industrial Revolution.
The integration of innovation in the management models is an imperative for any company that is willing to thrive in the tumultuous times we’re living and, in this respect, Gesbanha intends to be on the side of entrepreneurs, the ones that see the future as something to be created and not as something that happens by chance.
Supporting the emerging companies defining and implementing the adequate governance models, particularly, in the specific challenges of accounting, tax, business evaluation, transactions advisory and talent management and evaluation is, undoubtedly, a very important goal Gesbanha intends to assume when celebrating its 25th anniversary in the demanding services market.
If you are a new generation Entrepreneur intending to input innovation in the management of your Organization, you may rely on our experience and independence, avoinding mistakes that, more than time and money costing, can blur you from your Creativity and Liberty.
For further information about this new Service, please visit our website at and you may access our contents, both in portuguese and english, or you may make a direct contact to our Office at Rua 7 de Junho de 1759, nº 1 em Caxias; phone number +351 21 441 64 60.